Teacher Code of Conduct
The 1 Giant Mind Code of Conduct ensures that you are always clear about your responsibility as a teacher and how to continually nurture trust and safety among your students. This Code of Conduct is a set of obligations that you agree to as a teacher to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, and protect the integrity of the teacher-student relationship. Teachers must respect the rights and dignity of all students and the trust placed in the teacher by the student. The following code emphasizes trust and safety as the basis for the teacher–student relationship. The word “student” includes anyone attending your meditation classes, courses, talks be it as a group or in private.
Teacher – Student Relationship
Respect and Rights
Demonstrate respect to all students regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, physical and psychological limitation, political beliefs, sexual orientation or religious affiliation.
Respect the values, beliefs and aspirations of all meditation students.
Protect students’ privacy and right to confidentiality.
Treat all information about students as confidential.
Obtain consent from students before photographing, audio or video recording or permitting third party observation of meditation sessions.
Request students’ permission before adding their names to mailing lists and be clear about the content of mailings. Respect also the students’ right to opt out of such mailing lists.
Be mindful of your duty of care and report any concern you have for the safety and wellbeing of your students to the relevant emergency support.
Effective Communication
Teachers understand that relationships are based on trust and clear communication and this enables them to work effectively with their students.
Communicate with students in a courteous, respectful, compassionate and honest manner.
Communicate respect for students through actions, language and behavior.
Listen to students’ needs, concerns, and preferences.
Communicate clearly about ways to practice meditation safely.
Avoid physical contact with students unless it is absolutely necessary. If necessary, seek permission before, and be respectful when, physically guiding a student.
Use constructive, positive language when commenting on students' practice that in no way disparage students.
Teachers will maintain a safe, clean and comfortable environment for the teaching and practice of meditation.
Maintain safety procedures for any meditation equipment.
Support the safety of students in the teaching of meditation.
Adhere to relevant legislative requirements in your area surrounding care.
Maintain public liability and professional insurance requirements.
Ensure you or someone present during a session has current first aid training.
Professional Boundaries
Be considerate of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of students.
Be considerate of the preferences and limitations of students.
Consistently maintain appropriate professional boundaries.
Recognize the power imbalance between teacher and student and never harass or exploit students physically, psychologically, emotionally, sexually or financially.
Declare and take appropriate steps to address any conflict of interest that may arise in dealings with students.
Avoid relationships that could compromise the integrity of the teacher-student relationship.
Acknowledge the students’ right to make a complaint.
Take all necessary actions to resolve any complaints or grievances respectfully.
Relationship with Peers
These Codes outline a professional approach to working with other meditation teachers and relevant professionals.
Speak respectfully of other meditation traditions and techniques.
Treat other meditation teachers and colleagues in a respectful manner.
When appropriate, refer to and work cooperatively with other meditation teachers and relevant health practitioners, to meet the needs of the student.
Consult and take advice from colleagues and mentors, when appropriate.
Professional Practice
These Codes relate to maintaining the professionalism in surrounding meditation teaching as expected by peers, students and the community.
Professional Performance
Maintain the methods and formats of teaching skills and knowledge in accordance with 1 Giant Mind Values and Code of Conduct.
Teach only meditation. Unless you are a licensed practitioner in other areas of health and medicine, your scope of teaching must be limited to teaching meditation and not to extend into the realms of therapy, psychology, medical advice, treatment, or any consultation beyond your skills, knowledge and ability.
Maintain your personal meditation practice.
Commit to ongoing professional development in accordance with 1 Giant Mind Values and Code of Conduct.
Agree to cooperate fully with any 1 Giant Mind enquiry directed to 1 Giant Mind in relation to behavior and responsibilities as a member.
Abide by all 1 Giant Mind policies and procedures.
Maintain personal hygiene as you work closely with students and peers.
Refrain from bringing personal matters into your practice. Be respectful that students have come to teachers to learn meditation, not to focus on, or hear about personal experiences that do not serve the practice.
Integrity in Teaching
Respond in all professional matters in a manner that honors the profession.
Represent the benefits and outcomes of meditation practice with honesty, accuracy and fairness.
Respect copyright and all intellectual property and acknowledge sources when drawing on the work of others.
Business Integrity
Abide by all relevant business and legislative requirements in area of practice, including, but not limited to, insurance, work coverage, pay and conditions, taxation, accounting, marketing, and advertising, and copyright.
Ensure all information relating to the benefits of meditation and information used for promotional and marketing purposes is accurate, fair, clearly stated and not misleading in any way. Never make claims that meditation and/or your courses will remedy or improve any physical or mental conditions. The use of “can” is appropriate and acceptable but never “will.”
Treat all employees, the community, students, colleagues and other meditation businesses fairly, transparently and honestly in the course of all business transactions. This includes being on time and being respectful of others’ schedule.
When possible and reasonable, strive to adhere to environmentally friendly and sustainable business practices including, but not limited to, recycling, using energy-efficient products, being energy efficient, reducing waste, saving water and traveling smarter.