Tips to help you stick with the 12 Step Course

Whether you’re great at initiating change but not so great at following through, or hard to get started but great at getting things done, these simple tips will help you complete the 12 Step Course and establish a daily meditation practice.

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Your mind, body and heart are your most important assets. They’re involved in every decision you make and are the means through which you experience life. If your mind is chaotic, your body agitated and heart heavy, then your experience of life is going to reflect that.

Meditation helps calm a chaotic mind and clear away the fogginess so you can experience life with greater clarity and connection. For just 15 minutes of practice a day, the benefits you receive are huge, which makes it a worthy investment of your time. So make meditation a priority, just like you would an important meeting or a date with someone important.

Set your reminder for 5 minutes before your session so you can start to wind down and find a comfortable place to sit. When you’re done, schedule in your next session, so you can get into the habit of making meditation a daily practice.

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When you see positive results in your life from doing something new, you usually want to continue doing it. It feels good to feel good! Keeping a journal is an easy way to track your journey so you can reflect and see compelling evidence that your meditation practice is of great benefit. 

The more attention you put on these positive results, the more you see yourself growing. The more growth and positive change you see, the more you want to stick with the thing that’s making it happen! The result? Meditation becomes an effortless and enjoyable part of your daily life.

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It always helps to have encouragement and support when you begin a new habit. People buddy up all the time when starting a new exercise regime or studying for an exam, so on those days when you just don't feel like getting out of bed (or the movies and dinner sounds like a much better option than hitting the gym) you have a friend holding you accountable.

You've made a great commitment to yourself learning to meditate and it's helpful to have someone remind you of that when life gets a little challenging.

Getting your friends involved in meditation also helps them! So if you know someone who would really benefit from it, send them a message, ask for their support and let them know you'll be there for them too. It’s a win-win situation.

If it’s been a few days since your last meditation or you’ve fallen off the meditation horse altogether, don’t beat yourself up about it. Negative self-talk, guilt and frustration create unnecessary stress, and that’s not the outcome we’re after. So, if you forget to meditate or run out of time, simply let go, acknowledge that it was your preference to meditate then put it in your calendar to remind yourself to do it tomorrow. Easy as that.

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We meditate because we want to be the best versions of ourselves. We want to connect more authentically with family and friends and share in the joy of being together. We want a deeper connection to our sense of purpose and feel empowered to live it every day. We want to grow, learn more, be more, let go of fears, worries, the need to control and simply be here now. This is the life of a meditator. 1 Giant Mind is here to encourage, support and inspire you to make meditation an effortless part of your daily life.

We also have exclusive content throughout the 12 Step Course and 30 Day Challenge that will expand your understanding of meditation and take your practice to the next level. Check out the ‘Library’ in the App’s menu for all of your unlocked content.

Jody McGrice